SKIE hosted highly reputed international scholars as an advisory board member to develop our research themes and to collaborate with internationally established research centers.


Ulich Teichler


International Centre for Higher Education Research
University of Kassel

Recent Publications

Harald Schomburg/Ulrich Teichler, eds. Employability and Mobility of Bachelor Graduates in Europe: Key Results of the Bologna Process. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers (2011)

Jung Cheol Shin/Robert K. Toutkoushian/Ulrich Teichler, eds. University Rankings: Theoretical Basis, Methodology, and Impacts on Global Higher Education. Dordrecht: Springer (2011)

Ulrich Teichler/Irina Ferencz/Bernd Wachter, eds. Mapping Mobility in European Higher Education. Volume I: Overview and Trends. Bonn: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2011)


Simon Marginson


Institute of Education
University of London

Recent Publications

Marginson, S., Kaur, S. and Sawir, E. eds. Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization. Dordrecht : Springer (2011).

Marginson, S. – Including the other: Regulation of the human rights of mobile students in a nation-bound world. Higher Education (2011).

King, R., Marginson, S. and Naidoo, R. eds. Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education. Edward Elgar in Cheltenham (2011).


Futao Huang


Research Institute for Higher Education
Hiroshima University

Recent Publications

Hunag, F., Finkelstein, M., & Rostan, M. (Eds.) (2013). The Internationalization of the Academy, Springer.

Huang, F. (2012). Higher Education from Massification to Universal Access: A perspective from Japan. Higher Education, 63 (2), 257-270.

Huang, F. (2011). The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Japan’s Higher Education. Higher Education Policy, 24, 275-283.

Huang, F. (2009). The Internationalization of the Academic Profession in Japan, Journal of Studies in International Education, 13 (2), 143-158.


Jenny Lee


Center for the Study of Higher Education
University of Arizona

Recent Publications

Solem, Michael, Aurelia Kollasch, & Jenny J. Lee (in press). Career goals, pathways, and competencies of geography graduate students in the United States. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

Espino, Michelle & Jenny J. Lee (in press). Understanding resistance: Reflections of race and privilege through service-Learning. Equity and Excellence in Education.

Kiyama, Judy, Jenny J. Lee, & Gary Rhoades (2012). A critical agency network model for building an integrated outreach program. Journal of Higher Education, 83(2): 276-303.

Lee, Jenny J. & Thomas Opio (2011). Coming to America: Challenges and difficulties faced by African international student athletes. Sport, Education and Society, 16(5): 629-644.