전체 14
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
An Analysis of Academic Profession Activities in the Institutional Context (2015)
cheks | 2020.09.17 | 추천 0 | 조회 440
cheks 2020.09.17 0 440
An Analysis of Knowledge Transfer Activities of Academic Research Focusing on Professor's publication (2014)
cheks | 2020.09.17 | 추천 0 | 조회 1834
cheks 2020.09.17 0 1834
An Analysis of Government Funding Policy and the Finance Structure of Universities in Korea (2014)
cheks | 2020.09.17 | 추천 0 | 조회 429
cheks 2020.09.17 0 429
Analysis of Academic Scholarship by Career Stage Among Korean Academics (2011)
cheks | 2020.09.17 | 추천 0 | 조회 337
cheks 2020.09.17 0 337