SKIE and East West Center have signed MOU in 30th of November 2012 in order to promote mutual research cooperation and to expand research projects between these two organizations. Since its establishment in 1960’s, EWC has operated various international exchange programs and aims to lead for research cooperation among countries in Asia Pacific region. SKIE will further promote its excellence in its interdisciplinary and cross-national research activities by cooperating with world-class institutions.
SKIE is actively networking with international research institutes and university centers for research collaboration and student exchanges. SKIE has signed on MOU with three global research centers and one of top Asian university. In addition, SKIE is closely collaborating with two other internationally well known research centers to develop official MOU.
East-West Center, Hawaii (USA)

Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Instituto Superior Tecnico (Portugal)

SKIE and the Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+) based at Instituto Superior Tecnico have signed MOU to promote a collaborative partnership and to exchange of researchers and graduate students. IN+ have conducted multidisciplinary, linking basic and applied research to technology development, and focused on the issues of sustainability, namely in terms of the needs to secure the quality of the environment, together with the management of energy resources and the economic development.
Faculty of Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, SAR, China)

In February 2013, SKIE and Department of Education in University of Hong Kong have signed MOU agreement and the mutual cooperation will begin with student exchange programs. Such exchange program is expected to take place in October and December in Seoul and Hong Kong, where students from both institutions present their individual and collaborative research output.